Z pomocą One Acre Fund rolnicy rosną w siłę w harmonii ze środowiskiem naturalnym

To był mój pierwszy raz w Afryce. Po przybyciu do Rwandy najbardziej zachwyciły mnie piękne wiejskie widoki i panująca wokół czystość. Zobaczyłam czyste ulice, czyste pobocza dróg i chodników. Pod koniec XX wieku ten kraj wiele zainwestował w odbudowę i postęp ekologiczny. Z mojej perspektywy podjęto tutaj dobre decyzje.

Od ponad dziesięciu lat używanie plastikowych toreb jest zabronione. Sprowadzenie ich do kraju może skutkować grzywną, a nawet karą więzienia. To ekstremalne, ale innowacyjne podejście, które przynosi widoczne korzyści dla kraju. Podczas naszej podróży IWitness z IKEA Foundation i organizacją partnerską One Acre Fund odkryłam, że unikanie marnotrawstwa w życiu wpisane jest w kulturę rwandyjską. Coś, czego my, w wielu krajach europejskich, nadal musimy się nauczyć.

Street in Rwanda. Photo by IKEA Retail Poland
Zrównoważone podejście do rolnictwa

Nasza podróż IWitness do Rwandy była poświęcona głównie spotkaniom drobnych rolników, którzy są klientami organizacji One Acre Fund. Dowiadując się o zrównoważonym rolnictwie i wpływie zmian klimatu na codzienne życie rolników, pojawiło się w mojej głowie wiele myśli, również tych dotyczących specyfiki podejścia Rwandy do środowiska naturalnego.

Assel Bihuta to drobny rolnik, który dba o swoje gospodarstwo domowe i o otaczającą go przyrodę. Porządek wpisany jest w jego codzienną rutynę. Zaczyna dzień od sprzątania gospodarstwa a następnie idzie doglądać swoją krowę. Jego małżonka w tym czasie szykuje dzieci do szkoły.

Assel opowiadał nam, że zanim rozpoczął współpracę z One Acre Fund, bardzo ciężko było mu wykarmić swoje dzieci. Pomimo tego, że codziennie ciężko pracował i razem z małżonką robili co w ich mocy, ich dzieci często chodziły głodne. Gdy to opowiadał, na jego twarzy pojawił się smutek.

Teraz, dzięki wsparciu One Acre Fund, życie jego rodziny zmieniło się. Zmartwienia odeszły w niepamięć, a w jego głowie teraz znacznie częściej pojawiają się marzenia. Assel pragnie, by jego dzieci ukończyły szkołę oraz aby mieć nową krowę- Frizon, która daje o wiele więcej mleka niż ta, którą ma obecnie.

Farmer Assel Bihuta Rwanda
Farmer Assel Bihuta, Rwanda. Photo by IKEA Retail Poland.
Ziemia powodem do dumy

Assel jest niesamowicie dumny ze swojej ziemi, którą udało mu się kupić. To widać, kiedy oprowadza nas po swoim polu, pokazuje swoje uprawy i z wielką radością i błyskiem w oku pozuje do zdjęć, namawiając, abyśmy na tle jego marchewek zrobili wspólne zdjęcie. Wielokrotnie powtórzył, że to wszystko udało mu się osiągnąć dzięki One Acre Fund.

Jego dzieci chodzą do szkoły, a on każdego ranka jest szczęśliwy, ze zanim wyjdą, mogą zjeść śniadanie, które przygotowała jego małżonka. Spotkania i szkolenia organizowane przez One Acre Fund bardzo wpłynęły na Assela: rozbudziły jego przedsiębiorczość, pobudziły chęć do zmian. Dzięki temu zaczął marzyć.

Zaczął też więcej zarabiać, cały czas jednak rozwijając swoje rolnictwo w zgodzie z naturą. Na jednym ze spotkań dowiedział się o kompostowaniu – jak należy to robić oraz co dzięki temu może osiągnąć. W ten sposób kiedyś sprawiająca wrażenie trudnej umiejętności, stała się naturalną czynnością. Assel mówił też o zmianach klimatu, ze nie są dobre, jednak dzięki wsparciu i naukach One Acre Fund wie, jakie zmiany może wprowadzić w swoich metodach upraw, aby nie miały one tak negatywnego wpływu.

Życie bez plastiku

Najbardziej cieszy mnie i podziwiam to, jak rolnicy rosną w siłę, cały czas pozostając w zgodzie z naturą. One Acre Fund uczy ich zrównoważonego rolnictwa, kompostowania i korzystania z naturalnych nawozów w papierowych workach – bez plastiku, który szybko zaśmiecił by ich piękny kraj.

Magazyny One Acre Fund, które odwiedziliśmy, lśniły czystością, podobnie jak otaczający je obszar. Wszystkie przechowywane tam nasiona, ziarna i produkty są pakowane w torby papierowe lub materiałowe. Nigdzie w biurach organizacji nie zauważyłam żadnej plastikowej torby. Wszędzie panował porządek. To świetny przykład, że nawet w magazynach możesz pracować bez plastiku i nie zmniejszać efektywności transportu towarów.

Warehouse One Acre Fund Rwanda
Warehouse One Acre Fund, Rwanda. Photo by IKEA Retail Poland

Słyszałam, że kraj chce pójść o krok dalej i w najbliższej przyszłości zakazać stosowania wszelkich jednorazowych produktów z tworzyw sztucznych. Życie bez plastiku wydawałoby się niemożliwe, ale przykład Rwandy pokazuje, że jest nie tylko wykonalne, ale także piękne i przynosi wymierne korzyści.

Jestem dumna, że IKEA Foundation wspiera takie organizację jak One Acre Fund. Zmiany klimatu są  dużym zagrożeniem, szczególnie dla takich krajów jak Rwanda, gdzie większość osób to drobni rolnicy, którym ciężko stawić czoła tym nieznanym i nieobliczalnym zmianom.

Poznając rolników, dostrzegłam, że czują się bezpieczniej, gdy mówią o One Acre Fund, bo wiedzą, że mogą liczyć na pomoc, ze nie zostaną z tym sami. Rolnicy rosną w siłę pozostając w zgodzie i z szacunkiem do środowiska – to jest naprawdę piękna zależność!


Stay up-to-date and follow us for news and info about exciting grants

  • We can change the future of #PeopleAndPlanet for good when we work #Together ✨🌍

Our founder Ingvar Kamprad believed in a future where communities and the planet thrive together. At the IKEA Foundation, we are committed to tackling the two biggest challenges the world is facing today - poverty and climate change - by improving the everyday lives of the many people.

We want to thank all of our partners who have done amazing work around the world to create impact for people and planet. 🌱🤝 Curious how that looks like? Keep an eye on our socials for our 2024 highlights!
  • “Let us not forget that every gesture counts. A good intention followed by an action can change the world.”

Maimouna Ba is the regional @refugees Nansen Award winner and founded the organisation “Femmes pour la dignité du Sahel (FDS)” to support displaced women and children in the Sahel area. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2016, she has been working to combat gender-based violence, rebuild peace and promote female leadership. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of more than 500 women and children in the Sahel region 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

The IKEA Foundation is proud to support the UNHCR #NansenAward because we believe that unsung heroes who go above and beyond to protect, support and advance the living conditions of forcibly displaced people need to be heard and supported. 

Protecting and advancing #HumanRights happens on all levels. Discover more inspiring stories from the Nansen Award winners via the link in our bio!

#RefugeeSolutionsTransformation #PeopleAndPlanet #HumanRightsDay2024 #OurRightsOurFuture #HumanRightsDay
  • In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
  • @climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌

This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. 

As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package.

This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍

Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗

#PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
We can change the future of #PeopleAndPlanet for good when we work #Together ✨🌍

Our founder Ingvar Kamprad believed in a future where communities and the planet thrive together. At the IKEA Foundation, we are committed to tackling the two biggest challenges the world is facing today - poverty and climate change - by improving the everyday lives of the many people.

We want to thank all of our partners who have done amazing work around the world to create impact for people and planet. 🌱🤝 Curious how that looks like? Keep an eye on our socials for our 2024 highlights!
We can change the future of #PeopleAndPlanet for good when we work #Together ✨🌍 Our founder Ingvar Kamprad believed in a future where communities and the planet thrive together. At the IKEA Foundation, we are committed to tackling the two biggest challenges the world is facing today - poverty and climate change - by improving the everyday lives of the many people. We want to thank all of our partners who have done amazing work around the world to create impact for people and planet. 🌱🤝 Curious how that looks like? Keep an eye on our socials for our 2024 highlights!
2 tygodnie ago
View on Instagram |
“Let us not forget that every gesture counts. A good intention followed by an action can change the world.”

Maimouna Ba is the regional @refugees Nansen Award winner and founded the organisation “Femmes pour la dignité du Sahel (FDS)” to support displaced women and children in the Sahel area. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2016, she has been working to combat gender-based violence, rebuild peace and promote female leadership. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of more than 500 women and children in the Sahel region 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

The IKEA Foundation is proud to support the UNHCR #NansenAward because we believe that unsung heroes who go above and beyond to protect, support and advance the living conditions of forcibly displaced people need to be heard and supported. 

Protecting and advancing #HumanRights happens on all levels. Discover more inspiring stories from the Nansen Award winners via the link in our bio!

#RefugeeSolutionsTransformation #PeopleAndPlanet #HumanRightsDay2024 #OurRightsOurFuture #HumanRightsDay
“Let us not forget that every gesture counts. A good intention followed by an action can change the world.”

Maimouna Ba is the regional @refugees Nansen Award winner and founded the organisation “Femmes pour la dignité du Sahel (FDS)” to support displaced women and children in the Sahel area. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2016, she has been working to combat gender-based violence, rebuild peace and promote female leadership. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of more than 500 women and children in the Sahel region 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

The IKEA Foundation is proud to support the UNHCR #NansenAward because we believe that unsung heroes who go above and beyond to protect, support and advance the living conditions of forcibly displaced people need to be heard and supported. 

Protecting and advancing #HumanRights happens on all levels. Discover more inspiring stories from the Nansen Award winners via the link in our bio!

#RefugeeSolutionsTransformation #PeopleAndPlanet #HumanRightsDay2024 #OurRightsOurFuture #HumanRightsDay
“Let us not forget that every gesture counts. A good intention followed by an action can change the world.”

Maimouna Ba is the regional @refugees Nansen Award winner and founded the organisation “Femmes pour la dignité du Sahel (FDS)” to support displaced women and children in the Sahel area. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2016, she has been working to combat gender-based violence, rebuild peace and promote female leadership. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of more than 500 women and children in the Sahel region 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

The IKEA Foundation is proud to support the UNHCR #NansenAward because we believe that unsung heroes who go above and beyond to protect, support and advance the living conditions of forcibly displaced people need to be heard and supported. 

Protecting and advancing #HumanRights happens on all levels. Discover more inspiring stories from the Nansen Award winners via the link in our bio!

#RefugeeSolutionsTransformation #PeopleAndPlanet #HumanRightsDay2024 #OurRightsOurFuture #HumanRightsDay
“Let us not forget that every gesture counts. A good intention followed by an action can change the world.” Maimouna Ba is the regional @refugees Nansen Award winner and founded the organisation “Femmes pour la dignité du Sahel (FDS)” to support displaced women and children in the Sahel area. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2016, she has been working to combat gender-based violence, rebuild peace and promote female leadership. Her incredible work has impacted the lives of more than 500 women and children in the Sahel region 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 The IKEA Foundation is proud to support the UNHCR #NansenAward because we believe that unsung heroes who go above and beyond to protect, support and advance the living conditions of forcibly displaced people need to be heard and supported. Protecting and advancing #HumanRights happens on all levels. Discover more inspiring stories from the Nansen Award winners via the link in our bio! #RefugeeSolutionsTransformation #PeopleAndPlanet #HumanRightsDay2024 #OurRightsOurFuture #HumanRightsDay
3 tygodnie ago
View on Instagram |
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we…

🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 

🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide

🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs 

The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange.

As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚

#PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
In 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣, we… 🌟 Welcomed over 170 new IKEA Foundation ambassadors to our group of more than 400 🌟 Organised 7 ambassador hubs worldwide 🌟 Had 40 partners participate in our hubs The ambassador programme gives IKEA co-workers from around the world the opportunity to learn about the work the IKEA Foundation and its partners are doing to tackle poverty and #ClimateChange. As we reach the end of 2024, we would like to thank all the ambassadors who shared the impactful work of our partners with their community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 We’re optimistic that – together – we can still change the future of our planet for good and create a better everyday life for the many people 💚 #PeopleAndPlanet #IKEAFoundationAmbassador
1 miesiąc ago
View on Instagram |
@climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌

This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. 

As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package.

This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍

Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗

#PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
@climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌

This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. 

As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package.

This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍

Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗

#PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
@climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌

This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. 

As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package.

This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍

Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗

#PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
@climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌

This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. 

As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package.

This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍

Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗

#PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
@climatebreakthrough has just announced the 2024 cohort of their prestigious #ClimateBreakthroughAward programme 🙌 This unique programme provides brilliant social change leaders with significant support over the next few years to develop, launch, and scale their boldest new initiative with breakthrough potential to address climate change. As a funding partner of Climate Breakthrough, we are proud to be a staunch supporter of this initiative that provides a rare opportunity to scale up grassroots climate action, including a $4 million funding package. This enables amazing people from anywhere in the world to create their most ambitious, breakthrough-oriented work in dealing with one of the most consequential crises of our lifetime 🌍 Learn more about how the programme supports social change leaders to develop their #ClimateAction initiatives via the link in our bio 🔗 #PeopleAndPlanet #ClimateChange
1 miesiąc ago
View on Instagram |