Climate stories that stick

For climate action to be effective, we need to mobilise people from all social and economic backgrounds.

The good news is that research₁ shows concerns about the environment cut across age, education and employment. However, mainstream media has tended to disregard a plurality of voices in the climate movement. This has left many people feeling disengaged and powerless to take action to address the climate crisis. 

High quality storytelling

The Doc Society Climate Story Fund, our new partner, supports high quality climate storytelling to engage overlooked communities and tell stories from their point of view. It promotes these stories through strategic impact campaigns, calling on specific audiences to act.

From a database of over 400 climate-themed stories, the Doc Society Climate Story Fund has selected the first 18 creative storytelling projects to support. These include documentaries, animations, web series and podcasts that resonate in specific territories and engage audiences who have not yet felt part of the climate movement. Stories which are being broadcast on global platforms from the BBC to YouTube.

Sundance Film Festival premiere

On 23 January, The Territory, a Fund grantee, is premiering at the Sundance Film Festival. This documentary follows the Uru-eu-wau-wau Indigenous Surveillance Team as they defend their land against a network of Brazilian farmers intent on colonising their protected territory. It ultimately tells the story of the fight for the Amazon rainforest, and those who are protecting it.

Sahba Chauhan, Programme Manager Climate Engagement at the IKEA Foundation, says: “We are supporting the Doc Society’s Climate Story Fund because we believe it will increase the potential of climate journalism and creative storytelling and help convince a much broader group of people to take bold climate action.”


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